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English Tourists Two English tourists (a husband and wife) spent a night in a motel at Cessnock in New South Wales. The wife happened to open a drawer and saw the book Today, Tomorrow and You placed there by a literature evangelist approximately two to three years previously. She picked it up and started to read. Impressed by the book, she handed it to her husband who was also deeply affected by it.

Late that night they determined to track down a copy of the book for themselves by using the name and address on the inside cover: “Bruce Stuart, Crawford Rd, Cooranbong.”

The next morning the English couple got into their hire car and drove off, not knowing where to go. After a couple of dodgy directions and a few wrong turns, they ended up at the address in the book, only to find out that Bruce hadn't lived there for quite some time. However, the new resident knew where the area manager lived and personally drove them there. They were then directed to me, and they eagerly purchased the volume.

After learning of their plight that day, the question begged to be asked: How many other books would motivate a couple of tourists in a foreign country to reschedule their itinerary to trek around the countryside looking for a book they had already read? Something unnatural going on there, wouldn't you say? - Shaun Hepworth, Eastern Area

Suggested material: This first one on 666 the number of the beast has pictures of magic squares from Babylon with the number 666 on them that are now extremely hard to find. See why this number now relates to the Catholic Church. The origin of sun worship and the Sunday Sabbath as well as paganism and the Church sheds more light on the first site and why God calls the Church of Rome Babylon. Reading the change of the Sabbath to Sunday will then make it much easier to see why Satan set out to attack the law of God and why he chose the Sabbath. The supposed seven years tribulation comes from an abused prophecy called Daniel's seventy weeks and is recommended reading on the second coming of Christ and the real Bible truth. [standard]